Tsunami Advisory for Southern California
The National Weather Service has issued a Tsunami Advisory for Southern California and the entire West coast of the United States. What is a Tsunami Advisory? Per the National Weather Service, a Tsunami Advisory is defined as this:
Read about it here ---> Tsunami Advisory for Southern California
See Tsunami forecasting maps here ---> Tsunami Forecast Maps
California Inkorporated (with a K not a C)
I have finally chosen the artwork for my next tattoo. (See the image below)
Click here to see a picture of the tattoo on my lower back and my first idea for my next tattoo.
This is an image of Tara, who is the Buddhist goddess of Compassion and Mercy. She is said to hear the cries of beings experiencing misery. Being a regular meditation and yoga practitioner, I resonate greatly with the teachings and philosophy of Buddhism, but do not consider myself a Buddhist. The reason why I chose this image is because it adorns the cover of a book that we have titled : 1,001 Pearls of Buddhist Wisdom
If you would like to learn more about California's hospitalizations due to Asthma click on the following links:
First Hospitalization
March 2007 (his second hospitalization ocurred two months after the first in May 2007)
Third Hospitalization
January 2008
Fourth Hospitalization
August 2009
If you would like to learn more about Buddhism, click here --- > Basic Buddhism Guide
In closing, L.A. Mama denounces the remarks made by Brit Hume on "The O'Reilly Factor" (Fox News) regarding Buddhism. The last thing we need in the world is more religious intolerance based on ignorance.
Click here to see video of Brit Hume's uneducated opinion and discrimination against Buddhism.
He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.
Gifts that Pay it Forward
1) Give the Gift of Nature
Adopt an Acre
Plant a Tree
Adopt a Coral Reef
Give Carbon Offsets
OR Choose from a large selection of gifts that benefit nature at The Nature Conservancy
2) Adopt an Endangered Animal
Choose from an assortment of 100 different animals For just $50 you will receive:
- Soft plush version of your adopted animal wrapped in a cloth WWF gift bag
- 5" x 7" formal adoption certificate
- 5" x 7" full-color photo of your species
- Species spotlight card, full of fascinating information about the animal
- FREE priority shipping
- Personalized acknowledgment letter to your gift recipient. See sample letter.
- Printable, personalized adoption certificate for the species adopted
- Computer desktop images of the adopted animal
- Instant messenger icons of the adopted animal
3) Adopt a Cat or Dog
Save an animal from being killed at your local animal shelter. Adopt a cat or dog and give them the gift of LIFE while giving other members of your family a friend for life! To locate an animal shelter near you click here ---- > Locate an Animal Shelter
4) Buy gifts that benefit Breast Cancer Research, Child Health, Rainforest Preservation and much more at The Hunger, Breast Cancer, Child Health, Literacy, Rainforest & Animal Rescue Site
5) Volunteer anywhere... Click here to find a volunteer opportunity that is just right for you!
6) Give the Gift of Charity
Looking for that perfect holiday gift? Go with a Good Card! The Good Card is a gift card with stored value that can be redeemed as a donation to any of more than 1.8 million charities. Click here to give the Good Card --- >The GOOD Gift Card
7) Feed the Hungry
Click here to locate a food bank near you to drop off groceries.
Donate to Feeding America Every dollar buys 9 pounds of food, every five dollars buys 10 bags of holiday groceries!
8) Give of Yourself
Give Blood! Why is your blood needed? The blood supply needs to be continually replenished. Only 38% of Americans are eligible to donate blood and out of those only 8% actually do. That amounts to only about 3 out of every 10 people. Your donations make a difference! Click here to find a blood drive near you.
Give Hair! Go to Locks of Love dot com to find out how you can donate your own hair to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children.
Give Organs!
Each organ and tissue donor saves or improves the lives of as many as 50 people. Giving the "Gift of Life" may lighten the grief of the donor's own family. Many donor families say that knowing other lives have been saved helps them cope with their tragic loss.
9) Donate Toys to Underprivileged and/or Sick Children
Click this link to find a Children's hospital near you.
Click this link to find a Toys for Tots donation drive near you.
10) Smile at someone. Say kind words. Do nice things for people. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Walk a mile in another person's shoes. Be patient with others. Love.
Santa has Cooties
So, the Santas here in the United States will see hundreds of children who, will sneeze, cough and wipe their runny nose all over Santa's sleeves, gloves and beard. Santa will return to the mall day after day wearing the same suit, beard and gloves...unlaundered. For some people that is fine. It isn't fine with me and it shouldn't be fine with any parent who has a child with asthma or any other chronic medical condition. For parents with healthy children, I would advise you to bring your own hand sanitizer with you on your trip to Santa's lap and to make sure your child does not have any flu like symptoms to protect the other children who will visit Santa after him/her. It's no fun to be sick during the holidays for any child and for asthmatic children, being sick often means hospitalization. We know from experience; California has been hospitalized four times and he is only four years old. So be smart and ensure that EVERYONE has a happy holiday!
P.S. My favorite hand sanitizers are Burt's Bees Aloe & Witch Hazel Hand Sanitizer Spray 2 fl oz (59 ml)
Adopt a Turkey for Thanksgiving
We had the privilege of meeting a turkey a few years ago at the Gentle Barn (which was located in Tarzana, CA at the time). He was such a sweet, gentle bird. He followed us around and loved to be petted. Our experience with Tommy (the turkey) mirrors that of Erik Marcus, the author of Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating. He noted that, “Turkeys remember your face and they will sit closer to you with each day you revisit. Come back day after day and, before long, a few birds will pick you out as their favorite and they will come running up to you whenever you arrive." To read more interesting facts about turkeys click here --->The Hidden Lives of Turkeys
Tennessee really loved going to the Gentle Barn to hang out with Tommy, who is pictured above. Unfortunately, Tommy is no longer with us (read his life story here), but the Gentle Barn has rescued four more turkeys who can be adopted this Thanksgiving. We are vegetarians, so we never eat turkey, but we thought we would go a step further this year and adopt a turkey for Thanksgiving. If you would like to adopt a turkey this Thanksgiving, there are several organizations who have turkey adoptions this year. The following links will take you straight to the adoption of the turkey of your choice.
Gentle Barn $30
Farm Sanctuary $25
World Animal Foundation $35
Animal Acres $15
If you would like to learn more about turkey farms click here ---> Turkey Farms
Click here to read about our last family Vegetarian Thanksgiving.
2012: What to Tell Your Kids
On November 13, 2009, the movie 2012 will premiere in theaters across the country. We have seen the ads for this movie in every nook and around every corner in L.A. and in cities nationwide. The billboard slogans have ranged from 2012: Google It to 2012: Will You Survive? to simply 2012. We have seen ads on the sides of Metro buses and on bus stop benches.
If you allow your kids to see the movie 2012 (or if they sneak in without your permission), the five minute excerpt below is just a taste of what they will be absorbing into their impressionable minds while munching on popcorn and twizzlers. The clip below shows the total destruction of Los Angeles. Click on it to watch, but make sure the kids are out of the room because it is ridiculously scary.
Let's start out with a little background info:
First of all, let me assure you that I know what I am talking about. I have been researching the Mayan calendar for the past 10 years. Am I an expert who has written a book? No, but I have been blessed with impeccable intuition and good, solid common sense. The Mayan calendar is circular as shown in the image above. There is no beginning and no end (did ya get that??? - NO END). The Mayans believed in a series of cycles, therefore they apparently believed (based upon astronomical observations and complex mathematics) that the end of the final cycle will occur on December 21, 2012. This is Winter Solstice; it happens every year. Winter Solstice represents the exact day and time when the days will become longer and the promise of rebirth in the Spring.
What happens when a cycle ends? It starts all over again from the beginning. That is what we can expect from December 21, 2012. A new beginning to a new cycle. A transformation. Some say this will be a cosmic and/or spiritual transformation. The important thing to know is that the Mayans did not leave us any warnings of any kind because they did not see this as the end of the world. As a matter of fact, the Mayans still exist today and they refute the notion that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Read this link to learn more about what the Mayans have to say about 2012---> Mayans Say the World will NOT End in 2012
Here's what to tell your kids:
Age birth to 4
Just tell them that 2012 is a big number.
Age 5 - 8
Tell them that a lot of people think something is going to happen then, but they are wrong. Make sure that your kids know that you are confident about this and assure them that everything will be fine. Tell them that kids will be talking about it more and more as the year approaches, but it is just because it is on TV all the time. Open the door to communication about this subject because they will hear about it from their friends at school eventually.
Age 9 - 13
Tell them that the Mayan calendar is circular and has no end and that 2012 is just the end of a cycle. Make sure that they understand that people are making a big deal about this because of books, movies, TV and stuff they read on the internet. If they ask about catastrophes, tell them that there have always been earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis etc and there might be more because of Global Warming, but even the best Global Warming scientists have not predicted the end of the world. Once again, keep that door to communication open about this subject. Kids have lots of questions and incredible insight that needs to be expressed openly and freely.
Age 14+
Communicate with them as young adults. Don't patronize them or condescend. Show them that you are confident in your beliefs by planning for the future. Ask them to help you plan a New Year's Eve party for the year 2012 or some other event past December 21, 2012. Tell them everything in this post and incorporate the following talking points. Show them the links if they are interested.
1. The Mayans did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012.
As a matter of fact, their hieroglyphs show that the Earth and humanity was still alive and well in the year 3772 as noted in the article mentioned above. Link --->The Mayans Say the World Won't End in 2012
2. Nostradamus did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012.
As a matter of fact, Nostradamus continued to make prophecies about humanity well into the year 4000.
Link --->Nostradamus Made Predictions from the Mid 1500's to the year 4000
3. The Bible did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012.
As a matter of fact, the Bible states that no one knows the precise date and time the world will end, not even Jesus. Mathew 24:35-36 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."
4. The Hopi did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012. Period. Their prediction is vague and ambiguous and gives no dates or years. Link --->The Hopi Prophecy
5. Scientists did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012. They have predicted strong solar flare activity that actually began this year which is not unusual since solar flares go through an 11 year cycle of being "quiet" then becoming "active". Enhanced activity means satellites and even power grids on Earth are at risk of electrical malfunction. While blackouts are a possible scenario, they are hardly the apocalyptic end of the world. Link--->Solar Flares
6. The I Ching did NOT predict the end of the world in 2012. This widely accepted notion was "invented" by two brothers on an acid trip in the 70's. Link --->The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching
By the way, California is not going to fall into the ocean, so Maynard James Keenan of the band Tool (I am a HUGE fan by the way and I have seen them three times in concert) will not get his wish in 2012. We won't have to "learn to swim" just yet as suggested in the song Aenima. Links --->Aenima Lyrics (Warning: Explicit) Listen to Aenima (Warning: Explicit)
Keep on keeping on.
Maclaren Strollers Amputate Fingers
People mistakenly believe that if something costs more, it is better and safer. WRONG! Maclaren has proven to us that is a fallacy and has recalled one million strollers sold at Babies R Us and Target since 1999. The problem? Their strollers have a tendency to amputate the fingers of babies and toddlers. It is nice to know that they waited 10 YEARS to announce a recall. The recall affects the following models: Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, TechnoXLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno, and Easy Traveller.
The stroller pictured above is a Maclaren Quest Mod that sells for $245 at Target. Maclaren has put out the statement that consumers can contact Maclaren at 877-688-2326 or visit www.maclaren.us/recall to receive a free repair kit. If I spent $245 on a stroller, I would expect the manufacturer to refund my money or replace my stroller NOT to give me a toll free number to ask for a repair kit so my kids fingers don't get cut off. What is wrong with them???