L.A. Mama is in the process of obtaining certification as a Spiriitual Aromatherapist. Essential oils are very beneficial for many different areas of life. They are effective in the areas of Mind, Body and Spirit but they can be very beneficial for use in housekeeping. Using essential oils while cleaning helps to bring the home back to a natural state of balance, create a pleasant aroma and kill germs.
Essential oils come from plants, and are distilled from the flowers, bark, fruit, leaves and seeds. They are the natural goodness, the soul of the plant that has been extracted to provide you with it's healing benefits. Essential oils are not the same as "fragrance" or "perfume" oils, which are man made in laboratories and do not contain the healing benefits that essential oil provides.
Here are some great ways to use essential oils within the home:
* Tea Tree oil is very well known for being an anti-septic, anti-viral and anti-infectious, making it a good oil to use while cleaning your bathroom. A drop on your sponge is great for cleaning toilets, tubs and sinks eliminating the need for chemical cleaners. L.A. Mama has also used this as a drain deodorant. (Tea tree oil is great when kept in the bathroom for first aid issues as well. It can be used on the skin for abrasions and is a great antifungal. Finally, tea tree oil makes an aexcellent hand sanitizer)
* Add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to your hand dish soap dispenser to create a custom dish soap - your neighbors will be envious. You can also put a few drops on your light bulbs or near the wick of your favorite candle.
* You can add 2 drops of essential oil to the soap dispenser of your dishwasher along with your regular soap, lemon or grapefruit would be a good choice.
* Use a few drops of lemon essential oil in the water you use to wash your floors in your home. You can use any scent for this. Lavender is very pleasing and calming to the senses.
* Mix 2 drops of essential oil with baking soda to create an all natural, good smelling cleansing scrub for sinks and bathtubs.
* Place 2 drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and vacuum it up in your collection bag, the scent will fill the air as you vacuum.
* A few drops of lavender essential oil on a handkerchief tucked into a drawer will keep your socks and underwear drawers fresh.
* Make your own potpourri with flower pods and autumn findings then add a few drops of essential oil.
* If you have a spray bottle handy, you can fill it with water and a few drops of essential oil and spray around your house. This is a wonderful, NATURAL alternative to air freshener bought at the store.
* Another way to scent your entire home is by placing a few drops of essential oil on the filters in your home, as well as, air purifiers or furnace filters.
When you use these ideas in cleaning your home you will be raising the energy level and the vibration of your home. Each essential oil comes with its own spiritual properties and energies. It also makes it more fun to clean your home when working with these pleasant scents. When using essential oils around the house, you will notice that everyone's mood changes to a more positive outlook. Children are especially drawn to essential oils because they are soothing and calming to the senses. In otherwords, essential oils speak to the "whole child". Tennessee loves lemon essential oil...he seems to light up when I use it on the floors.
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Yum. I make various bath products with essential oils, but this gave me some great new ideas, especially to lift some spirits in this dreary wintertime, thanks!
I use tea tree oil for everything and lavender makes it so much fun to clean the house! You are very welcome for the ideas! Thanks for stopping by!!
That sounds like great advice on how to use essential oils as cleaning products. I'll have to try out some of the tips soon.
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