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Welcome to Raising Califorina where you will be taken behind the scenes to peek at the lives of a Southern California family. You will have access to never before seen footage and exclusive interviews that will give you insight on what it is like to be a kid in California!


We're Toast

On the same day that James Hansen, a top NASA scientist and global warming expert, told congress that "we're toast if we don't get on a very different path", much of California was on fire from a rare lightening storm.

Why was this lightening storm so rare? Mainly because it generated 8,000 lightening strikes that started 1,022 wildfires fires last weekend and they are still burning. This lightening storm was called "dry lightening" because any and/all precipitation that fell evaporated before it hit the Earth. Since California is in the middle of a drought, these 8,000 lightening strikes have basically turned California into toast. To the right is a satellite image from NASA to illustrate the severity of the situation.

For those of you who don't believe in Global Warming...think again. Not only are we in a drought, Southern California had tornadoes in May (RARE)- click HERE to read about them, 8,000 lightening strikes in June (RARE) and we are expecting more lightening today (read the news story HERE). We aren't the only ones experiencing extreme weather. The Midwest and the South have had some horrible tornadoes and now flooding.

Back to James Hansen; he says that if we don't curb our use of coal burning power plants which is the main cause of MAN-MADE greenhouse gases. He also says that global warming is happening right now before our eyes. He warned us twenty years ago that the arctic would start to melt and that would be the first sign that we are experiencing global warming. That is happening now and within 5 - 10 years all of the ice will be gone in the summer...mass extinction will occur and there will be a dramatic rise in sea levels. You can read the full article HERE. It is apparent that the entire world needs to find an alternative source of power and it seems as though this is going quite slowly. The obvious choices are solar, wind and water...all of which are free of carbon dioxide emitting gases. It seems as though the common person has no control over this...but there are some things that we can do collectively that will decrease our use of coal fired power plants. How?

Use less electricity. It's Easy. This is how:

1. Turn off the lights when you don't need them.
2. Unplug small appliances when they are not in use.
3. Turn off your monitor to your computer when not in use.
4. Use solar power.
5. Use wind power.
6. Wash your clothes in cold water.
7. Use energy efficient appliances.
8. Open the windows instead of using the AC (I know sometimes it is too hot...but sometimes it isn't)
9. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
10. Don't use any lights during the day. Use the sunlight!

Feel free to post your ideas on how to use less electricity! If you want to know more about Global Warming, get the book, "The Down to Earth Guide to Global Warming"...we highly recommend it!

Since Google will not allow me to post a link for you to buy this book directly, I thought that I would post a picture of this book to show you the cover and authors. You can buy it at Amazon and I have seen it at Barnes & Noble as well as Borders.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why wont google allow you to post a link to sell this directly?