Here are the pictures that everyone has been waiting for. California loves to pretend to cook. He gets all of the pots and pans out, a nice big spoon to stir it all up with, then he gets into the pantry for ingredients and makes what he calls "soup". Here he is with his main ingredient, an organic cereal called "Panda Puffs".-
Later, he added pumpkin seeds, goldfish and raisins. He was so proud of his accomplishment that he immediately got bowls out for Tennessee and I and served us a big helping :) He does this three or four times a week. He loves to pretend to cook so I ordered him this little stove online:
Someone in my family, I am not mentioning any names, said to me "Pretend stoves are for girls!" No they are not. Pretend play is important for both boys and girls. The next time you go to a restaurant, take a look at who is making your delicious meal. Men have gone on to be the best chefs in the world! It is important to nurture the interests of every child regardless of gender stereotypes.
I have this little stove featured at The Souls of Boys blog. Take a look. There are other little portable stoves out there that would be perfect for little boys. I even saw a pretend grill that was adorable!
Teach Compassion with Mama Cat and Her Kittens
This is probably the most adorable stuffed cat that we've ever seen! The
mama cat comes with her very own kittens and they attach to her tummy with
Buy the stove, an iron, and a baby doll! I am raising four daughters - the mothers of my future grandchildren. I am awfully happy that there are moms of boys out there that are raising capable daddies!
They actually have a little broom, mop and dustmop and they help me with the laundry as well. They like doing stuff around the house to help out! Looks like they are on their way to being good daddies! Thanks for stopping by!
Nothing wrong with a boy having a passion for cooking! Buy him an apron that say's "kiss the chef" and buy him a chef hat! Hey I'm a single father and I know how to cook and will be teaching my boy how to cook too so that he never has to depend on a woman to cook for him! (and I don't mean it in a bad way) Besides, women think a man that can cook is attractive! ;)
Kiss the Cook...I LOVE it!!!
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